Blue vervain, verbana hastata, can be used internally to relax the nerves and combat anxiety. It is very helpful for nervous exhaustion from long-term stress or fanatical, hard-working personalities and for people who suffer from neck and shoulder pain who feel like they're tied up in knots. It's helpful for women who get angry and tense just before their period, and for anger in general. It can alleviate some types of headaches, including migraines associated with PMS.
Detailed-oriented people who suffer from surface and peripheral nervous system problems and have neuralgias and skin problems may also benefit from blue vervain. It is helpful for many spasmodic nervous disorders, including tics, palsy, and Tourette's syndrome. It can be helpful for mild pain and colds, flu, and respiratory congestion.
Warnings: Extremely large doses may cause nausea and vomiting. Large doses may stimulate a miscarriage in pregnant women, although in normal doses blue vervain was used traditionally to protect against miscarriage.
Can be used as a tea, tincture, or glycerite.
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